Your essential vitamins

Your essential vitamins

Higher Nature Nutrition Team

In an ideal world our diet alone should provide all the nutrients we need, however the ideal can be interrupted by many factors and many of us don’t achieve the recommended minimum five a day fruit and vegetable target set by the Government.

NRV (nutritional reference value), which is the recommended level of vitamins and minerals, was established many years ago, initially as an RDA (recommended daily allowance), to protect against deficiency diseases such as rickets and scurvy. They weren’t designed to promote optimum health or take into account individual needs or factors that may alter nutrient requirements. And, even though some have been amended, they still fall short of optimum levels for health and wellbeing.

So what steps can you take to support vibrant health and wellbeing?


Vitamins and minerals are vital for health and must mostly be obtained from the diet. They interact, working together in countless biochemical reactions in the body. They’re essential for growth, repair, vitality and wellbeing. They support energy production, immunity, mood, brain function, blood sugar balance, skin, heart health and hormonal balance. Hectic lifestyles, eating out, ready-meals and even holidays can all take their toll on nutrient levels, so supplementing with a high-potency multivitamin and mineral, which includes nutrients in organic forms for better absorption and assimilation, makes good sense.


Vitamin C plays a vital part in our immune defence. The body faces new challenges every year and it is increasingly important to maintain these defences in tip top condition. As Vitamin C is not stored in the body, we need to ensure an adequate daily supply. Pollution, stress, alcohol, too many sugary foods, smoking and even too much exercise all put additional strain on the immune system.

Another key player in our immune defences is zinc, while plant compounds from black elderberry, blackcurrant and bilberry may offer additional immune support. So, if taking Vitamin C why not try these nutrients as well.


As the name suggests, omega 3 and omega 6 essential fats are vital for health. Required by every cell, some cannot be made in the body but must be sourced from food. Oily fish, nuts, seeds and their oils are some of the main foods sources but these may be lacking in modern diets. The omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA help dampen down inflammation and are important for joints, brain and heart function, memory, skin and arteries. The omega 6 fatty acid GLA is involved in hormone balance and the health of the skin, circulatory and immune systems. Omega 7 supports skin health and the mucous membranes of the digestive and urinogenital tracts, while omega 9 may help the heart and immune system.

So, if you’re aiming to promote positive wellbeing and optimal health, what could be simpler than supplementing your diet with a multivitamin and mineral, Vitamin C and essential fats every day?